Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A few minor differences.

I'm now going to list the slight differences between Florida and Ohio.  There aren't many.  You know.  They are two very similar states.  But anyway.
1.  When people from out of state drive through Florida... what am I talking about, they don't drive through Florida, they drive TO it.  When people from out of state drive through Ohio, they'll see corn.  And more corn.  And cows.  In fact, the most memorable thing for them about their drive was that they saw COWS.  Multiple times.  Wow.  Or maybe they'll remember that there are a lot of "C' things.  Corn, cows, Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland.

2. If you say you're vacationing in Florida, even if it's just for family, people will say,  "Ooh, lucky!  Are you going to Disney World?  Are you going to the beach?" If you say you're vacationing in Ohio, they'll make a face and say, "Oh.  Do you have family there?  What's in Ohio?"  Well, actually, the Rock'n Roll Hall of Fame is in Ohio, along with 2 big amusement parks and a great lake, thankyouverymuch.  But people don't think of that immediately when you say Ohio.  They think corn, cows, and boredom.

3. When it's 50 degrees f in Florida in the winter, people wear winter coats and complain about the cold.  In Ohio 50 degrees f in the winter... well actually that almost never happens, we'll get maybe one day a winter.  But people walk around in t-shirts when it does happen.

4. When it snows in Florida, it makes the news.  When it snows in Ohio, no one cares.  The one time we made the news for snow there was 21 inches on the ground.  And even that didn't get talked about as much as Florida's 1/2 inch.

5. In Florida every person has an outdoor pool.  In Ohio that's a rare happening.  And hotels?  Never.

6.  When people retire, they move TO Florida.  Where are all those people moving FROM?  Ohio, of course.

And... that concludes my list.  But I'm not trying to put Ohio in a bad light.  I actually really love it.  But Florida just gets all the hype.  Seriously, half of my friends are there right now.  And where am I?
Ohio.  "There's no place like home for the holidays......."


  1. I'd really like to go to any part of America someday, I think that it would be great. Someone I know said they didn't want to leave. :) When people think of the UK they think of England though the UK has four countries; England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. When people say 'British accents' it's quite annoying because there is no 'British accent' there's English accents, Scottish accents, Welsh accents, and Irish accents. When people say 'British accents' they normally mean English accents, it gets quite annoying because your like "Hello world, we're here too".

  2. xD Yeah, I know how that feels. I really want to go to the UK someday, too. But yeah, everyone from out of the country says "American accent" when really, there are a ton of different ones. Sometimes people from New York, Chicago, and the Southern US have trouble understanding each other because of the accents. And America is pretty cool. It's just if you're driving through the middle of the country be prepared to get bored.
