Sunday, December 22, 2013

Adventures in wrapping Christmas presents

I'd bet that I'm the only person who can set out to wrap gifts and end of with a muddy paw print on my back, tape in my hair, and little shreds of paper all over the floor.  See, I have a dog.  This dog is a big dog, too.  He weighs 90 pounds, and like all dogs feels some dire need to bark out the window at random intervals, even when there's nothing there.  Well, I was lying on the floor with the tape, scissors, and wrapping paper and the dog comes over, steps around the paper, but in doing so ends up putting his wet paw on my back.  Then he stepped on the tape dispenser, got a piece on stuck his foot, ripped the roll out of the dispenser, and when I was trying to unstick him he shook his foot and the tape got stuck to my hair.  Don't get me wrong, I love my dog.  But... *shakes head*.  Anyway, the little bits of paper were all my fault.  I'm really bad at wrapping gifts.  I kept trimming the wrapping paper down until the entire living room was a mess.  It looks like a warzone.  And I have to clean it up!!  And my brother wouldn't help me wrap, just added to the mess by putting candy wrappers on the floor.  It's been a long day.  And it's not even halfway over.
Ooh!!  But I'm so excited!!!  Tonight, we're going to the airport and picking up my grandma!  We only see her a few times a year because she lives in New York and I'm in the Midwest, but she's flying in for Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds really funny, but also annoying at the same time. Yay for seeing your grandma!
