Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Today Post

...That I didn't post on the "yesterday" post because it was too long.
Anyway.  I had my audition for orchestra next year!  I'm really excited but also sort of nervous, because I'll be a sophomore next year and the majority of the class will most likely be juniors, who have more experience playing than I do.  I can't wait for the results to come out!  Eeek!  I think I did ok with the piece.  I mean, there were a few mistakes here and there because I was nervous, but it was a difficult piece I only had a few weeks to learn and I'm proud of myself.  And I was perfectly in tune for almost all of it- no dying goat noises coming from my viola, no-sir-ee.  I have an all right shot at actually getting in even though I wasn't perfect, too, because there just aren't many violists compared to violinists, not enough for sure, and more are needed.
I don't know when the results are coming out, but I hope it's soon!

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