Saturday, May 10, 2014

Oh, Deer.

Yes, I will accept your slow-clapping, eye-rolling sarcasm for this terrible pun that's serving as the title of my blog post, and I will take it with a great bow.
But, seriously.  Deer almost caused me to miss the bus on Thursday.  I leave my house to get to the bus stop for school at around 6:25, because my bus comes a little after 6:30am.  When I stepped outside, there were two deer, just standing there in the middle of the street.  I figured at first, "Well, they're deer, they're not going to do anything, just run away," so I started to walk closer.  They didn't do anything, just stood there and stared at me.  I didn't want to risk that their might be a fawn (that is what baby deer are called, right?) nearby behind a tree or house or something, because as calm as they usually are, deer are still wild animals and something like that could cause one to charge me.  Plus, I was maybe a little scared.  (I know, come on, scared of deer?) But it was too early to think with any sort of functionality.  It was getting later, and since there's a close bus stop in the other direction I just went to that one, and ended up sprinting across a main road as the bus was coming up behind me.
We usually don't see deer walking around in the open unless it's pitch black out, and it was starting to get light.
So just thought I'd share.