Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My brother worries me.

So last night, my parents went to the ER with my brother.

And guess why?

Sick?  Nope.

Seriously injured? Nope.

Problems with essential body systems? No.

He got his finger stuck inside the opening of a soda bottle.

Who does that?!  Well, I mean, besides him, actually.  Really.  I thought it was common sence to not stick your fingers into that skinny opening at the top of the bottle, but I guess not.  My parents and him couldn't get it out at home and didn't want to slice his finger badly enough to need stitches by smashing the bottle, so they ended up in the emergency room where I'm sure the doctors had better things to deal with than boys in grade 7 who got their fingers stuck in bottles.

It reminds me of an episode of Untold Stories of the ER I saw once, where a lady got stuck in a toilet for 18 hours.  Eep.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Spring? Are you out there? It's me, Anna

First business.  The name change!  On all of the stories I write, I use the name Anna Emerson.  (No, it doesn't have anything to do with Frozen, though it is pronounced the same way as Anna's name in Frozen :) ) I always have.  So when my friend asked me to write a story in google drive with him, I changed my name.  You can still call me McKenna if you want; I'll likely use both.

Back to the title.  Have I ever mentioned how much I hate the weather here?  Well, I do.  It's bipolar.  Every year, and especially this one.  Relatively warm- 50-55 degrees Fahrenheit!- one day, only 30 the next.  Oh yeah, with freezing rain and snow too.  It's such a gross day today.  I really love Winter, and it's my favorite season, but enough is enough!  Half of the people in my school are out sick because the weather keeps going up, and down, and up, and down.  For heaven's sakes, weather, make up your mind!  And in two days it will be warm again.


Sunday, March 9, 2014

And then the new trimester began.

"What happened to your freetime?  Why aren't you blogging?"

Well, it turns out freetime isn't so free. (Imagine that!) The new trimester began in school, and it's gonna be a tough one.  Honors History, Honors English, Honors Geometry, Physical Science, and Spanish 2B.  I won't be able to commit myself to nearly-daily posts.  Once a week may be about all that I can manage.

Anyways, what's been up with all of you?  I've been doing homework- lots and lots and lots of it.  Just this weekend I wrote two essays- bleh.  And yesterday, I learned that karma really does exist.

So for 3 hours, my girl scout troop was at a local supermarket selling-guess what- Girl Scout Cookies!!  Last weekend my mom volunteered me to make this year's poster, which I wasn't too happy about, but I ended up putting A LOT of time into it, making all the letters as perfect as a computer font with a ruler, compass, and protractor.  I was going to amaze everyone in my girl scout troop, and prove to them once and for all that I wasn't some stupid, clumsy person who couldn't even be trusted to the simplest of tasks without finding some way to mess it up.

Well, they weren't impressed.  "McKenna," they said, "Why did you put so much time into it?  It didn't have to be perfect." Then my mom agreed with them, and I was just the laughingstock of the troop like always.

Two hours in.  I was so incredibly sick of them teasing me about the poster when this old lady walked by.  She said, "Well, I don't usually buy girl scout cookies.  It's so hard to find a troop that really seems to put effort into what they're doing, and so I'm picky about who I buy from.  But when I saw your poster-- well, that is the neatest, most colorful poster I have ever seen.  I can tell a good troop when I see it."  She proceeded to buy seven boxes of cookies.

Needless to say, they all shut up after that.

Now, I'm not dumb enough to believe that this will actually be the end of it all.  The teasing will still go on.  I wouldn't even be part of the troop anymore except my mom is the leader.  But maybe they'll at least think next time before saying I'm useless and a baby.